I work with leaders and their teams to positively influence the way they and their business behaves

Leadership Training

Giving practical guidance to effectively communicate, collaborate and inspire. My leadership training programmes have been developed and fine tuned over my two decades in learning & development, bringing the most common topics and areas of concern to the discussion table. I can support first time managers, middle managers and C-Suite leaders.

Leadership Mentoring

We all benefit from sanity checking and another trusted perspective.! A mentor can help leaders tap into a structured review of recent situations or decisions made or prepare for something big coming along.

If you're on this page, you are likely looking for leadership and coaching programmes to support your people strategy, change management, or meet business objectives. With over two decades of experience in learning and development, I've meticulously crafted leadership programmes to address the most common challenges faced by leaders at all levels, from first-time managers to seasoned C-suite executives.


I recognise that every organisation is unique and customise my training to align with your specific needs, culture, and leadership challenges. I don't offer a one-size-fits-all solution; I provide a programme that fits you and your business objectives.

Needs Analysis

I start by conducting an in-depth needs analysis to understand your team's strengths and areas for improvement. This critical step ensures that my training is focused on addressing the specific challenges and opportunities you face.

Interactive Learning

My training isn't about lectures and theory. I believe in active engagement and practical application. Through workshops, case studies, role-playing, and group discussions, participants gain the hands-on and immersive experience needed to excel as effective leaders.

Real-World Examples

I bring the outside world in. My programmes feature real-world examples and case studies that bridge the gap between theory and practice. You'll gain valuable insights on how to handle live leadership challenges.

Peer Learning

Leaders learn best from each other. My programmes encourage peer learning, enabling participants to exchange strategies and experiences from their diverse roles and backgrounds.

Practical Exercises

You'll tackle real leadership scenarios through practical exercises. Work in teams to solve complex problems, make critical decisions under pressure and practice giving and receiving feedback.

Continuous Feedback

Your voice matters. I actively seek feedback from my participants to adapt and enhance my programmes. It's an ongoing conversation that helps ensure your objectives are being met.

Personal Development Plans

Each participant creates a personalised development plan based on their unique learning journey. I'll help you set specific goals and actions to boost your leadership skills.

Follow-Up and Support

My commitment doesn't end with the programme. I offer post-training support through coaching sessions, leadership supervision and online resources. It's a lifeline to reinforce learning and address ongoing challenges.

Measurable Outcomes

Programmes are results-oriented. We'll work together to define clear, measurable outcomes such as improved employee engagement, enhanced communication effectiveness, superior team collaboration, and increased leadership confidence.

Ready to Elevate Your Leadership?

MY APPROACH to working with you